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Site: www.allgoats.com

Main website of the British Goat Society., the central organisation for goats in the UK.

Site: www.allgoats.org.uk

News and information site of the BGS

Site: British Toggenburg Society

Many photographs, history of the breed and much more

Site: British Alpine Breed Society

All about the Breed and the Society with lots of photographs

Site: Golden Guernsey Goat Society

A most interesting website with something for everyone, Contains comprehensive archive material and photographs.

Site: DEFRA Animal Health

DEFRA animal health page containing up to date information, including animal welfare and disease surveillance. Booklets on goats available on line and/or free on request from contacts (details provided on the site).

Site: The American Dairy Goat Association

The American Dairy Goat Association official site - largely text based and designed for a very large organisation. Contains an interesting judges score card for judging using points.